Sunday, September 20, 2009


woohoo! gue nemu berita shock baru nyahaha

A woman who found her boyfriend masturbating over pornography was so outraged at what she called his “cheating” that she beat and stabbed him, resulting in his hospitalisation and her arrest.

The couple, residents of La Crosse in the state of Wisconsin, came to blows when the 23-year-old woman returned to her home to discover her 24-year-old boyfriend engaged in a bout of onanism, aided by some pornography.

She flew into a rage, accusing him of being a “fucking cheater”, or words to that effect, and attacked, punching him several times and kicking him in the groin.

Unsatisfied, she persisted in her rage, forcing him into the kitchen. She there grabbed a knife, slashed his arms and finally stabbed him in the abdomen, and ignoring all efforts by him to remonstrate with her, instead telling him to leave.

The man was fortunately not severely injured, and managed to drive himself to hospital, where he was treated and soon discharged.

The berserk girlfriend seems to have gotten off lightly – she was charged with “disorderly conduct while armed,” and “recklessly endangering safety,” with stabbing someone in the stomach apparently not warranting charges of attempted murder.

We do not hear whether there was anything exceptional about the pornography in question, though it is claimed the man was doing some unspecified chatting over the Internet as well.

Via Heaven.

At least she did not cut off his penis, or worse

source : sankakucomplex