Wednesday, September 30, 2009


okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hari ini gue interview di bvoice buat perekrutan crew baru, gue daftar sebagai Divisi PR / Advertise (Marketing). ummm yeah gue ga ada skill di marketing, dan justru itu! gue mau belajar dari dasar, dan gue rasa pengalaman yang bisa gue timba di lapangan, bvoice for example, itu jauh lebih besar daripada teori teori bullshit yang lo baca di buku. so, wish me luck guys

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SCANDAL! (bukan skandal biasa wkawkakwa)

ROFL! dulu, pas pertama kali gue denger ada band jepang namanya SCANDAL, gue udah ngira aneh2 nih pasti, ehh 2009 ini baru tau gue kalo itu band isinya cewe2 cakep!

oke ini sebagian synopsisnya ajah

Scandal (stylized SCANDAL) is a Japanese pop group. Proclaiming themselves as "The Most Powerful Japanese Girlie Pop Rock", they are composed of four high school girls from Osaka, Japan: Haruna Ono, Tomomi Ogawa, Mami Sasazaki, and Rina Suzuki. Scandal is very energetic, mostly due to the fact that Ono, the eldest and leader of the band, shares lead vocals with the other three members, in order to not have a focus on one girl in particular and to give each time in the limelight.
nah, cool right? well maybe next time i'll upload their singles, and yeah, lo tau gak, mereka belom ada full album!! Gosipnya sih mau keluar full albumnya hmm oke lah yaaaaaa :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009


woaw kemaren googling gadget, gue nemu namanya Zune HD, itu mirip sama ipod touchnya apple loh! tapi ya sama ajalah, buat gadget maniac ini salah satu koleksi yang bisa menggeser apple dimasa depan!

sama kayak itunes dengan ipod, zune hd ini punya software buat ngesupport dia, namanya Zune (software) bisa lo cari sendiri deh di google, males ngelink gue nyahaha
oke, ini software sama kayak itunes, banyak banget yang ga bisa keputer disini, FLAC... ga tau sih belom coba, mp3 bisa, wmv bisa, wma bisa, flv bisa, mkv... ga tau di gue si ga bisa... yah dicoba aja deh, pasti ada lemah2nya :D

nih pict2nya
Interfacenya gokil juga ye

List rapih

Pinned to QuickPlay, cool eh?

recommended for mp3 play, tapi jangan dipake buat nonton, ntar mkv ga keputer kayak gue sakit ati dah lo nyahahaha


woohoo! gue nemu berita shock baru nyahaha

A woman who found her boyfriend masturbating over pornography was so outraged at what she called his “cheating” that she beat and stabbed him, resulting in his hospitalisation and her arrest.

The couple, residents of La Crosse in the state of Wisconsin, came to blows when the 23-year-old woman returned to her home to discover her 24-year-old boyfriend engaged in a bout of onanism, aided by some pornography.

She flew into a rage, accusing him of being a “fucking cheater”, or words to that effect, and attacked, punching him several times and kicking him in the groin.

Unsatisfied, she persisted in her rage, forcing him into the kitchen. She there grabbed a knife, slashed his arms and finally stabbed him in the abdomen, and ignoring all efforts by him to remonstrate with her, instead telling him to leave.

The man was fortunately not severely injured, and managed to drive himself to hospital, where he was treated and soon discharged.

The berserk girlfriend seems to have gotten off lightly – she was charged with “disorderly conduct while armed,” and “recklessly endangering safety,” with stabbing someone in the stomach apparently not warranting charges of attempted murder.

We do not hear whether there was anything exceptional about the pornography in question, though it is claimed the man was doing some unspecified chatting over the Internet as well.

Via Heaven.

At least she did not cut off his penis, or worse

source : sankakucomplex

dor! dor! dor! *suara petasan*

yoi, jujur aja gue toleran lah mereka ngerayain hari raya, cmn ya tuhan pengen gue tembak mati itu orang2 yang maen petasan ga pake otak zzz fuckk!

ups, lupa gue, selamat hari raya idul fitri 1430 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya

oke, hari ini gue kebangun jam 8, gara2 nenek gue kalang kabut nyari taksi wtf, makanyaaaaa kembalikan SIM kuuuuuuuuuu! tapi tadi ada kejadian kocak juga sih

Nenek : "Kamu tau nomer telpon taksi ga?"
Gue masi ngantuk : "taksi emangnya bisa angkat telpon?"
Nenek : "Buat pesen taksi maksudnya!"
Gue : "794**** / 7917****"
Nenek : "Oke makasih ya" *tutup pintu sambil lari2 ke telpon*
--- ga sampe 1 menit---
Nenek : *masuk kamar gue lagi lgsg bangunin gue lagi* "Pesennya gimana sih?"
Gue kesel : "kayak pesen nasgor aja bilang 'taksinya satu bang ga pake cabe!' "
Nenek : "ya udah kamu yang pesenin deh"
Gue : "ye dari tadi kek" *kesel sambil jalan ke telpon*

eh udah gitu taunya taksinya kosong, lagi pada shalat ied! wtf kan? ujung2 naek vespa bokap nyari taksi lewat, pas balik ke rumah gara2 ga ada taksi taunya nyokap gue uda nyampe sambil bawa taksi! ya udahlah, amal gue ditolak kali ye cih

Sunohara says "Nonce Problemo!"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Code Blue! It's been 11th times!

ohohoho, i'm backkkkkkk! daripada tidur terus, mending gue nonton dorama, yang notabene salah satu J-D0rama fave gue (aih diluar mau ujan nih, gelap banget)

okay, let's start the stories

Synopsis :

If it can be treated one second earlier, the heart might start beating again.
If there is one extra helicopter, another life in danger may be saved.
If one more life can be saved, the Japanese medical community may regain trust.
There are more lives in this country that can be saved.

The "Doctor Helicopter" system was legalized in Japan in June 2007. A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally

okay that's the synopsis, emang agak kurang jelas, tapi jujur men, ini nambah pengetahuan, menyentuh hati, dan juga... yang jadi aktor aktrisnya cakep dan cantik haha


so, download this dorama, really recommended! jangan lupa bawa cemilan sama minum yah hehe

(Late) Morning, (Lazy) Holiday, and My (wicked) Room

yippie! mau pamer kamar, gara2 bangun kesiangan, kagak ada kerjaan, malas ngerjain tugas liburan, dan kamar gue luar biasa berantakan!

pintu kamar, ada poster K-On! nya
uh spotted! pc ngarah ke kasur ><
omg! inilah kasur gue dr smalem! laptop pake theme xp "shana"
dilihat lebih dekat, ups! ada lensa kamera gue -_-

at last, meja gue! waw berantakan yah :P

guys, jangan skali2 kamar brantakan kayak gini, ga baek buat kesehatan jiwa dan badan, serta merusak mata!


hore! akhirnya gue capek juga otak atik html dan xml, well, emang masih newbie sih, minta diajarin orang lain aja deh hahaha anyway blog gue yang agak kacau ini gue kasi header dari Furukawa + Okazaki Big Fams (not really big, at least tomoya's father doesn't exist there) from my fave anime series (VN too), Clannad
yang memang sangat amat sangat bagus ceritanya (seriously!) dan gue ga bohong yaaaa lo bisa dapetin animenya sangat mudah! jaman skarang download aja lah yaaa

tuh covernya :D
next time gue share dimana lo bisa download (seharusnya sebelom gue niat ngeshare lo smua harus udah nemu duluan yaaaaaa) oke kalo gitu, gue mau nonton Code Blue dulu sampe ngantuk hehe jyaa nee!

New Blog, New Place!

ahaaaaaaaaaaaaa damn man, finally i decided to wrote blog again! well, even nothing important in it :D oh yeah, let me introduce myself once more time

Full Name : Alfonsus Xerxes Herviraditya
Nickname(s): Alfon, Alfons, Xerxes, Takeru, Radit, Adit, CALL-ME-WHATEVER-YOU-WANT
Age : 19
Nationality : Indonesia!
School / Univ : Bina Nusantara University 2013, System Information
Hobby : Look for Japanese things (especially music, anime, books, and Visual Novels), Listening to music, Watch some movie / anime / Japanese Drama
Fave Quotation : 何もかも嫌になった。何回も自殺を図ったが死にきれない。捕まえて死刑にしてほしかった。
Long-term Plan : Die in peace
Short-term Plan : Sleep!

it should explain all about me, and oh yeah, in this new blog, i WON'T wrote in english anymore (like old blog before this), but i wrote them in Indonesian, thankies!

